I do not believe that laziness or procrastination are real things.


Deep down, our hearts, bodies, and souls want to do things in their own time. We all have different paces, different cadences, different capacities; but we are conditioned by society and culture, often from birth, to treat those needs and desires as unimportant.


This is very intentional. Convincing us to ignore our own timelines makes it much easier to exploit our lives and energies for someone else's purposes. If we learn to brush aside the quiet voice within us that asks us to "wait a little longer," we are much easier to turn into productivity-machines for others' benefit. Entire systems of economics have been built around exploiting us all in this way.


In reality, there is no evidence that following our own schedules (or lack thereof) will cause us to suddenly fail at life. It may make us irritating to the wealthy and powerful, who want us to be serving them on their schedule and at their whims, but aside from punishment from those people and systems, there's no real reason not to do things when it's a good time for us to do them.


This is why, whenever we can get away with it, I highly encourage people to just do stuff when they really want to... especially those of us whose timings, capacities, and cadences are frequently punished by the anti-culture and oppresive systems around us. I'm not endorsing being inconsiderate of others, by any means, but rather advocating for us all to be considerate to ourselves first and foremost - and our deepest, oldest instincts and intuitions about what will work best for us, in our own lives.


We won't find liberation chasing dates on someone else's calendar.